Mari Gibbs of Blandford
by Louise Mason
As the editors of Stone Walls worked on the diary of Mari Gibbs this past year they became interested in Mari and curious to know more about her. Why was she bedridden at this point in her life and what became of her when she grew up? Doris Hayden put us in touch with Mari's niece, Mrs. Harley Hill (Elsie Gibbs Hill) of West Springfield, recently. Mrs. Hill very kindly allowed one of us to interview her and to examine clippings and family photographs.
Mrs. Hill is the daughter of Mari's brother, Frank N. Gibbs, who with his family lived in one half of the old Gibbs house on Chester Road. Mari, who was unmarried, and her mother, Hannah Gibbs a widow, lived in the other half.
We learned that Mari (pronounced Mer-eye) had been dropped accidentally by one of her older sisters when she was an infant or very small child. Her back was severely injured and she never recovered completely, so that she was always somewhat handicapped. Back in the 1860's, x-ray diagnosis did not exist and doctors knew very little about such injuries. The back either healed itself, assisted by bed rest, or it did not. Presumably Mari healed to some extent eventually so that she was able to lead a useful life. At the time she wrote the diary she was bedridden, with the doctor in frequent attendance. At this point no one knows how much of her childhood was spent thus. She did somehow receive an education and taught school in Blandford for some years.
Mari's obituary states that she lived for several years in New Haven, Connecticut and in Springfield, and that more recently she had spent a year as assistant at the Shurtleff Mission in Westfield. "She had been earnest and sincere in whatever she had undertaken and her life had been a purposeful one." A photo- graph of Mari taken with her family shows her as an attractive young woman with curly brown hair.
Mari died in 1911 at the age of 51 of causes not related to her earlier injury. She had been in poor health for some time. Her niece remembers as a little girl that Mari was in bed upstairs and she would go and sit beside her on a stool while Mari taught her to sew and helped her join her quilt blocks together. Elsie Gibbs Hill was nine years old in 1911 and does not remember ever seeing Mari up and about. Her brother, the physician, came to check on her often. A few days before Mari died, it was decided by her physician that an operation was the only possible means of saving her life. The operation to remove a tumor was performed by Dr. Alcorn of Suffield, Conn. and Dr. Lanphere of Chester. The operation, performed at her Blandford home, was "successful" and at first she seemed to rally well, but later it was seen that she was failing. She died two days after the surgery. Her niece remembers hearing her moan after the operation. In those days surgery was under-taken only as a last resort and typically performed at home on the kitchen table, ether for the anesthetic - a crude and rather barbaric procedure by today's standards. Surgical shock and its treatment were not understood. Pain was not well controlled nor were there intravenous fluids. The postoperative mortality rate was very high for many reasons.
It is interesting to note that Mari's funeral service was held at the Congregational Church in North Blandford with Rev. Sumner G. Wood officiating. She was buried in North Blandford cemetery.
Mari was survived by her mother, two sisters: Mrs. Albert T. Gibbs of Blandford and Miss Ella Eva Gibbs of Springfield, and three brothers: Frank N. Gibbs of Blandford, Dr. Joseph Gibbs of Suffield, Conn. and William J. Gibbs of Chicago. Mari's mother, Hannah Gibbs, had been widowed just a few months before her last child was born. She was a strong and resourceful woman who, left with a large family to support, traveled to Westfield to learn nursing and then worked as a practical nurse, mainly in Chester for many years.
The Gibbs homestead on Chester Road, later owned by Coons, was across from the present MacKenna home, but was torn down a few years ago. The property is now owned by Phil Payson from Connecticut who has planted Christmas trees in the fields. Mrs. Hill has a news- paper advertisement dating back to when the house was for sale as a "salvage acquisition opportunity for $2500." It contains a photograph of the 10 room house built about 1820, now in poor condition and scheduled for demolition. A description of its better features includes: hand hewn chestnut beams, pine flooring to 23 inches wide, 4 decorated and stenciled mantels, paneled doors and cabinets, hand forged hardware, clap- board siding, shutters and stone steps, slate roof and brick chimney. The house was bought by a lady from New York who had it carefully dismanteled board by board and reassembled somewhere in New York State.
From Stone Walls Magazine, Fall, 1985
Mrs. Hill is the daughter of Mari's brother, Frank N. Gibbs, who with his family lived in one half of the old Gibbs house on Chester Road. Mari, who was unmarried, and her mother, Hannah Gibbs a widow, lived in the other half.
We learned that Mari (pronounced Mer-eye) had been dropped accidentally by one of her older sisters when she was an infant or very small child. Her back was severely injured and she never recovered completely, so that she was always somewhat handicapped. Back in the 1860's, x-ray diagnosis did not exist and doctors knew very little about such injuries. The back either healed itself, assisted by bed rest, or it did not. Presumably Mari healed to some extent eventually so that she was able to lead a useful life. At the time she wrote the diary she was bedridden, with the doctor in frequent attendance. At this point no one knows how much of her childhood was spent thus. She did somehow receive an education and taught school in Blandford for some years.
Mari's obituary states that she lived for several years in New Haven, Connecticut and in Springfield, and that more recently she had spent a year as assistant at the Shurtleff Mission in Westfield. "She had been earnest and sincere in whatever she had undertaken and her life had been a purposeful one." A photo- graph of Mari taken with her family shows her as an attractive young woman with curly brown hair.
Mari died in 1911 at the age of 51 of causes not related to her earlier injury. She had been in poor health for some time. Her niece remembers as a little girl that Mari was in bed upstairs and she would go and sit beside her on a stool while Mari taught her to sew and helped her join her quilt blocks together. Elsie Gibbs Hill was nine years old in 1911 and does not remember ever seeing Mari up and about. Her brother, the physician, came to check on her often. A few days before Mari died, it was decided by her physician that an operation was the only possible means of saving her life. The operation to remove a tumor was performed by Dr. Alcorn of Suffield, Conn. and Dr. Lanphere of Chester. The operation, performed at her Blandford home, was "successful" and at first she seemed to rally well, but later it was seen that she was failing. She died two days after the surgery. Her niece remembers hearing her moan after the operation. In those days surgery was under-taken only as a last resort and typically performed at home on the kitchen table, ether for the anesthetic - a crude and rather barbaric procedure by today's standards. Surgical shock and its treatment were not understood. Pain was not well controlled nor were there intravenous fluids. The postoperative mortality rate was very high for many reasons.
It is interesting to note that Mari's funeral service was held at the Congregational Church in North Blandford with Rev. Sumner G. Wood officiating. She was buried in North Blandford cemetery.
Mari was survived by her mother, two sisters: Mrs. Albert T. Gibbs of Blandford and Miss Ella Eva Gibbs of Springfield, and three brothers: Frank N. Gibbs of Blandford, Dr. Joseph Gibbs of Suffield, Conn. and William J. Gibbs of Chicago. Mari's mother, Hannah Gibbs, had been widowed just a few months before her last child was born. She was a strong and resourceful woman who, left with a large family to support, traveled to Westfield to learn nursing and then worked as a practical nurse, mainly in Chester for many years.
The Gibbs homestead on Chester Road, later owned by Coons, was across from the present MacKenna home, but was torn down a few years ago. The property is now owned by Phil Payson from Connecticut who has planted Christmas trees in the fields. Mrs. Hill has a news- paper advertisement dating back to when the house was for sale as a "salvage acquisition opportunity for $2500." It contains a photograph of the 10 room house built about 1820, now in poor condition and scheduled for demolition. A description of its better features includes: hand hewn chestnut beams, pine flooring to 23 inches wide, 4 decorated and stenciled mantels, paneled doors and cabinets, hand forged hardware, clap- board siding, shutters and stone steps, slate roof and brick chimney. The house was bought by a lady from New York who had it carefully dismanteled board by board and reassembled somewhere in New York State.
From Stone Walls Magazine, Fall, 1985
Diary of Mari C. Gibbs
shared by Doris Hayden
As you read these excerpts from this young girl's diary, it is well to remember something of the background of her daily life, of the household of which she was a part and of the larger world as well.
In the year 1869 few households had running water or plumbing of any kind. No frozen pipes! But no bathrooms either and few kitchen sinks. Hot water came from a "reservoir" in the kitchen range, or a copper boiler filled and put across two lidded holes on the same stove, or from the ever present huge tea-kettle. All the water had to be carried into the house (and all the waste water carried out!) and was not lavishly used. Laundry was an all day undertaking.
Daily chores occupied all members of a family:
Milking and caring for the farm animals
Chopping wood, sawing wood, bringing in wood, stoking the fires,
Cleaning and filling kerosene lamps and lanterns,
Cooking three hearty meals and washing up afterward,
Churning and butter making,
Dressmaking and quiltmaking,
Sweeping and dusting.
Stoves had replaced or augmented fireplaces for some time past. Both were generally wood burning, and what stacks of wood were required for heating and cooking! All done with hand tools: saws, axes, and mauls.
Clothing was available "ready made" but was still often made at home. Sewing machines were available if not common.
Food was hearty and plentiful: milk, butter, cheese, fresh meat, salt pork, corned beef, cakes, pies, bread, garden vegetables in summer, and orchard fruits, wild berries, root crops in winter and pre- served fruits.
People traveled on foot, on horseback, or in horse-drawn vehicles. Farm "power" was provided by horses and oxen. There were no movies, no TV, no phonographs, no electricity. But there was no lack of books, magazines, and newspapers. Dickens, Thackeray, Melville, Longfellow, Irving, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Whitman, Mark Twain were household words. I wonder if anyone from the hilltowns went to Boston to hear Dickens read from his works. It is reported that five thousand people lined up to buy tickets at $2.00 a tickets, $25.00 from scalpers.
In 1869 Ulysses S. Grant was President. The nation was recovering from the trauma of the Civil War. It was a period of invention and change. On May 10, 1869 the driving of The Golden Spike in Utah completed the transcontinental railroad and opened up the country to homesteaders. Unprofitable New England farms were being abandoned for the promise of Western acres. Mills began to close and the population of the hill towns to dwindle. It is hard to tell how much or how little of this affected Mari Gibbs and her family. Diaries were records of daily happenings and seldom mentioned anything else, but that does not mean that the wider world went unfelt or unnoticed.
Diary of Mari C. Gibbs
Sent to me by
Mrs. Richard Gibbs.
Oct. 12, 1976
Rt. 7 104 Sly Run
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Mrs. Gibbs said she was the dau.-in-law of Donald Gibbs. He was son of Frank N. Gibbs and sister of Elsie (Gibbs) Hill, whose article on Frank Nelson Gibbs appeared in the Winter 1984 issue of "Stone Walls."
Mrs. Gibbs asked Donald why Mari was in bed in 1869. He said that she had back troubles from an injury caused by being pulled out of bed onto the floor by her sister, Hattie.
The diary is exceptional for a 10 yr. old girl. It gives a broad range of activities on Joseph Gibbs' farm, & people her parents saw and entertained. Many relatives and neighbors are mentioned.
It is fascinating to read and one can almost seem to be present even tho it was written 115 years ago.
Doris W. Hayden
Mari was 10 years old and in bed. She was the daughter of Joseph A. and Hannah (Fish) Gibbs and lived on the Chester Road, near the Chester line.
Fri. Jan. 1 It has been very cold today and is bitter cold tonight. Mother made a chicken pie for dinner, Bernard gave Hattie an Accordian
Jan. 2 Aunt Alida is 39 years old today
Jan. 4 Miss Smith came here tonight
Jan. 5 Father carried Miss Smith & Hattie to school today & brought them home
Jan. 6 Very rainy father carried Miss Smith & Hattie to school & brought them home
Jan. 7 Meeting this evening to Mr. Smithes. Delila came here. Mother & Miss Smith went to meeting
Jan. 8 Mother went to Grandfathers today
Jan. 9 Delila went home this evening
Jan.10 Aunt Ann is 81 years old today
Jan. 11 George Collester & family started for Georgia. Anna Collester is eight years old today
Jan. 12 Mrs. Blakely washed for Grandmother. Doctor Lucas was here
Jan. 14 Sarah Jane Johnson two years old today
Jan. 15 Sent a lock of hair to Mrs. Manley
Jan. 16 Mr & Mrs James Robbins spent the evening here. Doct Lucas brought aunt Ellen up here, got a letter from Mrs. Manley
Jan. 17 Grandmother went home with aunt Ellen. Father brought me a newspaper. it had some shears in it
Jan. 18 Miss Smith sent me an orange & sugar heart, Sent for medicine of Mrs Manley, Father & Mother have been to the meadow. brought me some aigs
Jan. 19 Uncle Robbins & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here, Got some medicine today
Jan. 20 Sarah & Addie were here, Pat left today
Jan. 25 Joseph Aldrich, Amanda & Mary spent the evening hours here
Jan. 28 Dedication at North Blandford
Tues. Feb. 2 Father & Mother went to the meadow
Feb. 7 Hattie is eight years old today
Feb. 9 Aunt Alida came here today Ambrose & Dolly Ann took tea here Feb. 10 Frank is six years old today
Feb. 11 Father & Aunt Alida went to see grandfather Fish
Feb. 12 Mr & Mrs Albert were here this evening, Nancy came with them Feb. 13 Aunt Alida went home today Aunt Harriet took tea here & Father carried her to the Factories
Feb. 14 Parks Knox took tea here. Have not been dressed today
Feb. 15 Mr Barker came to see me today Father brought him & carried him home. Took dinner here
Feb. 17 Mr. Barker has been here today Father brought Aunt Ann Collester up here this evening
Feb. 19 Ida Bartlett came here today with Mr. Barker, Mother put on her bed quilt Delila came here tonight
Feb. 20 Mrs Blakely quilted this afternoon
Feb. 21 Mr Barker has been here today Left me some medicine to last several days
Feb. 22 Finished the quilt
Feb. 23 Put on another bed quilt today
Feb. 24 Mother got her quilt off this evening
Feb. 25 Mrs. R. Burdick, Mrs. A. Burdick & Frank made a call here. Aunt Ann went home
Mon. Mar. 1 Father brought Delila from Mrs. Cannons
Mar. 2 Mr Barker has been here today Henry Bemis & Ona Barker took dinner here
Mar. 3 The old sow had 11 pigs today Delila went home
Mar. 4 Uncle John Gibbs died this morning
Mar. 5 Mr Barker has been here today
Mar. 9 Mr Barker has been here today
Mar. 10 Miss Smith school closed
Mar. 11 Father & Mother went after Hattie
Mar. 12 Grandmother came home today. J. Robbins & Maria were here to dinner. Flora Wright & Lydia Clark took tea here Ida went home
Mar. 13 Bernard went to Becket, Brought us some books
Mar. 15 Bernard went to Springfield Sold 8 lbs butter 45 cts lb to the Factories
Mar. 16 Bernard went to the Factories brought Delila here
Mar. 17 Father & Mother have been down to see Grandfather Fish, Father brought me this Diary today
Mar. 18 Mr Linus Shepard died. Aunt Lydia Gibbs came here today with Mr Barker, Father sold a calf today for 9.60 cents, Delila went home
Mar. 19 Sold the red cattle, 2572, Sold 6 lbs butter, 45c
Mar. 20 Father brought home his sleighs from the meadow
Mar. 21 Mr Herin brought me an orange today & a paper of lozenges
Mar. 22 Mr Herin gave me an orange today
Mar. 23 It snowed today
Mar. 24 It has been a very pleasant day
Mar. 25 Miss Polly Gibbs & Herbert Tuttle took tea here
Mar. 26 Father has been to the meadow Amanda has a little daughter born yesterday morn
Mar. 27 Mr Barker has been here today Mar. 28 It has been very pleasant today Father carried me outdoors
Mar. 29 Very rainy today, I am ten years old today
Mar. 30 Rainy all day, Mr Franklin bottomed some chairs for Mother
Mar. 31 Blustering weather with snow
Thurs. Apr. 1 Delila was here to dinner & supper Mr Barker came to see me Father carried Grandmother to the meadow Mr Hearn gave me two oranges
Apr. 2 Mr Eli Knox & David Hearn are setting the sugar place Doct Warren & Mr Barker were here to dinner
Apr. 3 Mr Parker staid here last night David Hearn had been here today Brought home some syrup The first we have had
Apr. 4 Cold and blustering sap does not run today made 24 lbs sugar in the evening
Apr. 5 Mr Asa Barns took dinner here made 20 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled sap all night
Apr. 6 Mr. Barker has been here today Mother sugared off 28 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled sap all night
Apr. 7 Enos Boise came to see Father made 64 lbs of sugar Father went to the meadow Bernard boiled sap all night Apr. 8 Fast day Mother has made 45 lbs sugar Father went to see Miss Miner she was hired out Bernard boiled all sap all night
Apr. 9 Made 98 lbs sugar Herbert Tuttle took tea here Father boiled sap all night
Apr. 10 John Lester staid here last night made 50 lbs sugar
Apr. 11 Sap ran well Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 12 George Harger called here this morning Mrs. Franklin took dinner here Made 30 lbs. sugar Father boiled sap all night
Apr. 13 Made 104 lbs sugar today Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 14 Made 63 lbs. of sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 15 Made 100 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 16 Friday Mother went to the Factories in the afternoon Made 69 lbs sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 17 Made 61 lbs sugar comenced on a new barrel of flour today Father boiled all night
Apr. 18 Bernard has boiled sap all day it does not run much
Apr. 19 Mrs. Franklin came here today made 50 lbs sugar
Apr. 20 Finished boiling sap today made 54 lbs sugar
Apr. 21 Mother finished up the sugar works made 17 gals. of molasses
Apr. 22 Uncle William took tea here. Father went to the Factories Aunt Mary 19 years old today
Apr. 23 Uncle John was here to supper Father brought Aunt Mary & Artie here this evening Mr Hinsdale came here to see Mrs Franklin
Apr. 24 Albert Edwards was here to dinner Aunt Mary went to the meadow & Artie Father went to the Factories Uncle Chs called here
Apr. 25 Tabby had one little kitten today Delila staid here last night Father & Hattie went to meeting Aunt Mary & Artie came home with them
Apr. 26 Mrs F. Smithes called at the door
Apr. 27 Albert Edwards paid for part of the sugar
Apr. 28 Harry finished sawing the wood
Apr. 29 Mr Parker staid here last night
Apr. 30 Mrs Nye & Mrs Charles Wait called here
Sat. May 1 Commenced snowing at noon rain & snowed all afternoon the ground white with snow
May 2 Stormy all day been looking for a yearling Mr. Hearn & boys Father & Bernard
May 3 The trees all covered with ice, has been snow squally today George Harger staid here all night Aunt Ellen is thirty four years old
May 4 Father carried Aunt Mary home very cold went after Mrs Franklin in the morning
May 5 Father went to the Factories this evening brought me some figs
May 6 Mrs Franklin cleaned the cheese room today
May 7 Mrs Franklin made soap & cleaned the back buttery
May 8 Father & Bernard went to Eli Cross's in the evening Mother sowed some flowers
May 9 Father, Hattie & Ella went to the meadow to meeting Mrs Franklin went home
May 10 Sarah & Addie were here to tea Mari Tuttle called here Herbert swapped horses with Father Grandmother Fish is 59 years old today
May 11 Mrs Gregory & Mrs Mitchel came here to make a visit Mother had gone to Grandfather's Father went after Mrs Franklin this morning Grandmother came home tonight
May 12 Jennie Gregory & Ida came here at noon to see me Father & Mother went to the Factories
May 13 Mother has sowed the flower seed Father & Harry have been working in the garden Mr Loomis called here
May 14 Father went to the Factories after oats Mrs Franklin went home
May 15 Harry Martin caught me 18 trout today
May 16 Showery did not any of us go to meeting
May 17 Hattie, Frank & Willie went to school out on the street today Miss Smith came home with the children
May 18 Miss Smith has the sick headache today does not keep school went home in the afternoon
May 19 School kept today the children came home in the rain Father was to the Factories
May 20 Uncle Lorenzo & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here Grandmother went home with them
May 21 Mrs. Philo came here Mother went home with her & got some vinegar
May 22 Father & Bernard went to the Factories in the evening
May 23 Mother, Hattie & Ella went to meeting at the round hill schoolhouse Mrs Bartholomew called here
May 24 Mr Leet bought a pig paid 9 dollars
May 25 Father went to the Factories Uncle Fry came here
May 26 Sold a pig to Mr. Oatley Father finished planting corn
May 27 Mother & Uncle Fry went to the meadow Aunt Ellen came home with them Uncle & Aunt Ellen gone to Becket this PM
May 28 Uncle Fry came from Becket Uncle John 28 years old
May 29 Father carried Uncle Fry to the Factories Hattie & Ella went to see Sarah & Addie Father swaped off his buckskin horse from some steers (for)
May 30 Rainy did not any of us go to meeting
May 31 Father has been mending fence with Philo Knox & Eli Knox today
Tues. June 1 Mrs. Franklin came back this noon Father sold a shoat today Father & Ella went to the meadow this afternoon
June 2 Father commenced working on the road today
June 3 Mother went to the Factories today carried Delila down
June 4 Edgar Robbins & wife with their little boy called here tonight
June 5 Bernard went to Becket Mr. Barker, Mrs. Barker & Lottie took tea here.
June 6 Father & Mother & Ella were to the meadow to meeting Hattie went to the schoolhouse to the five o'clock meeting Frank Chester Gibbs is eighteen years old today
June 7 Miss Smith came here tonight Father & Mother went to the meadow got Frank Gibbs wagon for me
June 8 Rainy this morning Father carried the teacher & children to school Mr Clark sent three head of cattle here today
June 9 Delila and Haley Clark took dinner here Mr Fry & schoolteacher were here to tea Mrs Franklin gone home for good tonight
June 10 Uncle Fry went away this morning
June11 Sarah, Addie, Ida & Jennie came here this noon
June 12 Mrs. Smithes helped Mother this forenoon Delila came here tonight Mrs. Barker & Mrs. Healy called here
June 13 Did not any of us go to meeting Mother carried Delia home & brought her back to stay a few days
June 14 Uncle Fry called here Uncle O F came to Becket Saturday Grandfather Fish 61 years old
June 15 Delia has the sick headache today Father is peeling bark
June 16 Sarah, Addie & Ida came here this noon Charles Knox sheared our sheep 25 Mary Ann & Laura called here
June 17 Finished my dress today Miss Rockwood called here Teacher at round hill
June 18 Uncle Lorenzo brought Grandmother home was here to dinner Father has been hoeing corn
June 19 Hattie went to school in the afternoon at the round hill school June 20 Hattie, Frank, Willie, Father & Grandmother went to the schoolhouse to meeting We have got a little colt
June 21 Mrs. Smithes helped Mother wash today Aunt Electa Miss Walker
and to (2) men were here to tea Father sold his big hog
June 22 Uncle Orlando came here this afternoon rainy Father went after the children Uncle Fry came home with him
June 23 Uncle Fry, Uncle Orlando & Grandmother went to the meadow Miss Wright took dinner here
June 24 Father went to the meadow in the evening
June 25 Father peeled bark Mr Haris has been here Father has hired Mr & Mrs Harris for haying
June 26 Father went off with his wool Hattie went to Grandmother's Mr & Mrs Wells called here
June 27 It has been very rainy today Mother made a strawberry short cake for supper Mr Charles Conwell was buried today
June 28 Miss Smith came here tonight cut Ella's dress Mr Clark staid here all night Father went up to Becket in the PM
June 29 Father took two cows to pasture of Silas Clark Miss Smith came here Uncle Warren called here
June 30 Father brought Aunt Ann Collester here in the evening
Thurs. July 1 Mother went aberrying with Mrs Smithes had a short cake Grandmother came home in the P M Mary Amanda & Joseph were here to tea
July 2 Mother went a berrying Delila came up here in the evening
July 3 Aunt Anne Collester and Mother and Ella went down to Grandmother Fish's
July 4 Mother went to meeting to the schoolhouse Father, Hattie & Grand- mother went to meeting to Chester Doct Holland came to see me in the evening
July 5 Mother went a strawberrying Mr Warren Knox called here
July 6 Father commenced haying today Parks Knox commenced work here it has been a good hay day Commenced on a new barrel of flour
July 7 Got in five loads of hay it has been a good hay day Father's old mare has gone to Becket on trial
July 8 Parks & Bernard gone to Circus at Huntington It has been a good hay day a shower at night Father has hay out
July 9 Factories - Father went in the forenoon it has been a very rainy day Bernard went off in the afternoon
July 10 Hay does not dry very fast Father got in 4 loads of hay two tin pedlers are going to stay here over Sunday
July 11 Grandmother, Father, Willie & Ella went to meeting this P M Have had quite a shower this P M
July 12 Got in two loads of hay today
July 13 7 loads of hay today not very large ones Mr & Mrs Harris came here tonight
July 14 Old mare is sold No hay today Aunt Lidia & Aunt Ellen came up here staid to tea Aunt Ann went home in the morning Grandmother eat breakfast in bed
July 15 Rainy in the morning, showery in the afternoon Mother went over to Aunt Alida's did not get up any hay
Grandmother very feeble took her breakfast in her room
July 16 Father & Grandmother went to Westfield Parks & Harris went fishing
Bernard went to the meadow hard shower in the PM did not get in any hay
July 17 Did not mow any today got in 3 loads of hay in the P M Parks & Bert helped & then went to hoeing
July 18 Cloudy in the a m & cold meeting at the schoolhouse Frank & Hattie went
July 19 Good hay day got in 4 loads Adella Smith came home with Hattie staid all night Mother milked all of the cows
July 20 Good day got in 7 loads Mr Loomis called at the door
July 21 Rain in the morning Parks & Harris went to the factories came home at noon got in 1 load of hay in the PM & then had a shower
July 22 Cold & windy got in 3 loads of hay mowed in the afternoon Mrs. Henry Burdick called here
July 23 Got in 8 loads of hay sun looks smokey
July 24 It has not been a very good hay day mowed light grass got in 4 loads
July 25 Very warm & pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank & Ella went to the meadow to meeting
July 26 Men worked in the forenoon & all of the men went off in the P M Father & Mother went to Chester Mother got a new calico dress
July 27 Mrs Field died this morn ing Father, Parks & Bernard mowed in the forenoon very showery all day did not work much in the PM Katie Lee took tea here Mr H took his horse home
July 28 Good hay day got in 4 loads left two out
July 29 Thunder shower in the morning Parks & Harris did not work had a shower just at night
July 30 Cold & windy hayed all day got in 4 loads Mother finished her dress
July 31 Good hay day got in 5 loads of hay Bernard went up to Becket on the 7 o'clock train
Sun. Aug. 1 Very pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank, Willie & Ella went to meet-
ing to the meadow
Aug. 2 Good hay day got in 4 loads of hay
Aug. 3 Cloudy in the forenoon pleas- ant in the afternoon got in two loads of hay mowed the spring hole finished on the west side
Aug. 4 Good hay day got in 8 loads of hay Delila called here in the P M Aug. 5 Rainy in the morning Parks & Harris did not work Bernard mowed in the afternoon
Aug. 6 Got in 2 loads of hay today Parks did not come until noon
Aug. 7 Finished the Anderson mowing today got in 5 loads been a good day
Aug. 8 Warm & pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank & Ella went to meeting
Aug. 9 Good hay day got in 3 loads
Father & Mother went to the Factories for 2 barrels of flour one $7.20 & $9.00 Aggie came here
Aug. 10 Very warm got in 4 loads of hay Dolly Ann & Maria called here Aunt Lydia Parks is 90 years old today
Aug. 11 Warm got in 3 loads of hay Father went to the Factories after Aunt Lucy Ann in the evening
Aug. 12 Got in 3 loads of hay Parks worked 221⁄2 days Mr & Mrs Harris went home tonight
Aug. 13 No hay today Father carried Aunt Lucy Ann to the meadow & went to Huntington after Grandmother Ellen Osborn came here tonight Cousin Maria 18 years old
Aug. 14 Father & Bernard got in 1 load of hay today and mowed the road that finishes up haying for this year
Aug. 15 Father, Ellen & Ella have gone to meeting Grandmother & Aunt Lucy came home with them
Aug. 16 Aunt Lucy has been washing for Mother today Father carried her to Chester in the P M
Grandmother Gibbs is 74 years old today
Aug. 17 Uncle Lorenzo & Joseph & Ambrose & Frank Knox took tea here it has been stormy
Aug. 18 Father went to Munson got a girl 13 years old
Aug. 19 Father & Mother went to concert in the evening
Aug. 20 Father & Mother went down to Grandmother Fish's Father got Delila to come here & stay & Mrs Needham & Aunt Ann staid here all night
Aug. 21 Very warm showery in the PM Father cut his grass seed today
Aug. 22 Father, Mother, Frank & Ella went to the meadow to meeting today
Aug. 23 Pleasant Delila helped Mother today went home tonight
Aug. 24 Father got in 3 loads of oats Mother & the girls went a blackberrying Emma Wait died
Aug. 25 Father & the girls went blackberrying I did not have my clothes on today
Aug. 26 Father, Grandmother & Hattie went to the funeral
Aug. 27 Sarah & Addie came here in the afternoon Father went down to Grandpa Fish's got in 1 load of oats
Aug. 28 Mrs Lanson Knox, Mrs Eli Knox & her children visited here this PM Father got in 11 loads of oats today We have got 9 little pigs
Aug. 29 Father, Mother & Ella went down to Grandpa Fish's to carry some medicine to him
Aug. 30 The children commenced going to school at round hill
Aug. 31 Mr Chapin took tea here Ella Burdick 9 years old today
Wed. Sept. 1 Delila came here tonight Mother set her milk over Mrs Munson has another daughter
Sept. 2 Mrs Feargus Smithes & Mrs Dunkersley took tea here Delila put on
her quilt
Sept. 3 Father and Eliza went a berrying Mr Murphy took dinner here
Sept. 4 Mrs Mitchel & Nettie come here in the A M Mrs Philo came & quilted in the P M
Sept. 5 Father, Grandmother, Hattie, Willie & Ella went to meeting
Sept. 6 Father went after Uncle William to fix up the doors Ambrose was here took Grandmother home with him
Sept. 7 Mrs Cannon, Ann Harriet, Mrs Robins, Mrs Write & Mary Ann were here to quilting
Sept. 8 Uncle William fixed the door in my room Mother quilted
Sept. 9 Delila rode over to James Mitchel's to a quilting Mother & Uncle William went down to see Grandfather Fish
Sept. 10 Father carried Uncle William home Bernard carried a load of bark to the Factories Delila came back this P M
Sept.11 Doct Spring was here today to see me Father carried him to the meadow he put a jacket on Frankie Aunt Harriet came over to help Delila quilt
Sept. 12 Father & the children went to the meadow to meeting Mother, Delila, Eliza & Hattie went to the 5 o'clock meeting at the round hill school house
Sept. 13 Mother quilted in the P M Mr Silas Clark called here had Father's horse to go to Becket Artie one year old
Sept. 14 Finished Delila's bed quilt It has been very warm and pleasant Sept. 15 Mrs Gregory, Mrs Mitchell & Nettie spent the P M here Jennie & Ida came home with the children the teacher took tea here Osella & S. Cannon called
Sept. 16 Mother went to the meadow got me some cloth for my bed quilt
Sept. 17 Father & Bernard went to Middlefield Cattle Show Grandfather Fish died this evening quarter before eleven
Sept. 18 Father went to the Factories after Doct Spring he put a jacket on me Mari Tuttle & Ella Lact? called here Father brought Delila here in the evening
Sept. 19 Father & Ella went to meeting brought Aunt Ann C home with them Mother, Hattie & Ella went down to Grandmother Fish's in the evening
Sept. 20 Grandfather Fish was buried today Philo Knox carried Father & the boys down & brought Mother & the children home Father went to Westhampton carried Grandmother Delila went home
Sept. 21 Rainy Father got home from Westhampton half past eight in the evening Worked on Mari's bed quilt
Sept. 22 Rainy Sewed on Mari's bed quilt
Sept. 23 Mother & Aunt Ann finished washing today & churned two hours & a half
Father & Mother went to Chester in the evening
Sept. 24 Mother & Ella went down to Mr Albert Wright's to quilt
Sept. 25 Aunt Ann Collester is 73 years old today Mother went down to Mr Wright's to quilt Almaron Edward's father died today
Sept. 26. It has been very rainy today did not any of us go to meeting Sept. 27 Mother & Ann washed in the AM Put on the bed quilt in the PM Sept. 28 Father & Bernard went to Cattle Show Father took a cheese and some cranberries
Sept. 29 Delila staid here all night Father, Delila, Frank & Willie went to cattle show
Sept. 30 Mother got off the quilt Father went to the Factories
Fri. Oct. 1 John Lester staid here last night Father went down to Grandmother Fish's James Mitchel & Bernard dug potatoes Delila 61 years old today
Oct. 2 Grandmother came home today Aunt Dolly Ann & Maria took dinner here Father carried Aunt Ann home in the evening
Oct. 3 Just one year ago today since Aunt Sarah died It has rained hard all day
Oct. 4 Rained hard all day Mother washed did not put out her clothes
Oct. 5 Great damage done to the roads & to the railroad Grandmother Fish came here in the evening Uncle Charles came with her & took Father's horse back with him
Oct. 6 Father finished the cellar ditch this forenoon Grandmother Fish went back home in the PM
Oct. 7 Uncle Charles came back with the horse this evening brought me some medicine
Oct. 8 Mr Silas Clark took dinner here Mrs Feargus Smithes & Mrs Donkersley called here Father went to the Factories in the evening
Oct. 9 Mother & myself went down to Mary Ann's Mother drew me down
Oct. 10 Father, Mother & Ella went to meeting Aunt Ann came home with them it rained hard before they got home rained all night
Oct. 11 Mother washed and coloured my bed quilt lining
Oct. 12 Put on my bed quilt this PM Teacher Rockwood came here tonight Oct. 13 Rained hard most all day Bernard fixed the pump Teacher & the children came home in the rain quilted on my bed quilt
Oct. 14 Did not quilt any today
Oct. 15 Mrs Smithes, Aunt Electa, Mrs Lanson Knox, Mrs Gregory & Mrs Elliot were here to quilting Uncle John, Aunt Mary & Artie spent the night here
Oct. 16 Mrs Albert Wright, Delila & Nancy were here finished my quilt Uncle John & Aunt Mary went home in the PM
Oct. 17 Bernard took the horse & has gone home No meeting to the meadow today very plesant wind blows some
Oct. 18 Mother & Aunt Ann washed today Mr Baldin, Philo & Smithes dug potatoes Mr Streeter staid here all night
Oct. 19 Very cold & windy snowed enough to track a fox in the PM Father went to Russell
Oct. 20 Mrs Thomas Smithes called here Mother went down to Philo's & got some vinegar
Oct. 21 Father sold 50 bushels of potatoes Mother went down to the meadow
Oct. 22 Father carried the teacher to the Factories this evening
Oct. 23 Father went to the Factories after Doct Spring carried him to the meadow slept in my jacket last night very rainy
Oct. 24 Father, Eliza, Hattie & Ella went to meeting in the meadow
Oct. 25 Father went to Springfield carried butter, eggs & chickens got 25¢ per pound for chickens 48¢ for butter 38¢ per doz for eggs
Oct. 26 Father staid to Grandmother Fishes last night got home at noon Meeting at the school house
Oct. 27 Father went to the Factories got the gray mare shod Commenced on a new barrel of flour
Oct. 28 Father went off with his cheese today got 17¢ per pound Festival at the meadow
Oct. 29 Killed a lamb today Festival to the meadow Mr Charles Perkins took dinner here
Oct. 30 Sold 50 bush. of potatoes Mr Clark took his cattle 6 men took dinner here Father had gone to Mr Fisk's
Oct. 31 Mother & Aunt Ann went down to the meadow Mr Chapin preached his farewell sermon Bernard went home
Mon. Nov. 1 Charles Smith died about six o'clock this evening
Nov. 2 Father went to Town meeting & Mother to the meadow Warm & pleasant Mother, Eliza & Hattie went to meeting Bernard came home
Nov. 3 Father & Mother went to Mr Smith funeral very pleasant Uncle Rob- bins & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here
Nov. 4 Mother called at Mr Lanson Knox's & visited to Edgar Robbins Willie is 5 years old today
Nov. 5 Mrs. Bartholomew & Mrs Cannon called here Mr Morton is back here thrashing
Nov. 6 Aunt Polly Gibbs & Herbert Tuttle took tea here Mrs Amasa Stewart & her little girl called here
Nov. 7 Cold, cloudy & windy today
Nov. 8 Very cold & windy Washed but did not put out the clothes took the plug out of the pump
Nov. 9 Very cold & windy
Nov. 10 Cold & windy Mother went to the Factories in the evening
Nov. 11 Aunt Ann & Mother went to see Aunt Alida Aunt Lydia Gibbs & Frank came here this PM
Nov. 12 Mrs Abel Peckham & her Mother Peckham & Carrie spent the PM here
Nov. 13 Father carried Aunt Lydia & Frank to the Factories in the PM
Nov. 14 Clarence Bartlett is 14 years old today It is snowing hard today Nov. 15 Very cold & blustering Mr Hearn has bought two beef creatures of Father & is butchering here today Teacher came here tonight
Nov. 16 Cold & windy Aunt Ann worked on the lounge Eliza & Hattie went to the evening meeting
Nov. 17 Very rainy & cold makes ice school closed at round hill
Nov. 18 Willie Fish one year old Thanksgiving day invited Grandmother Fish but she did not come very windy
Nov. 19 Aunt Ann cleaned Grandmother's room today very pleasant &
Nov. 20 Rainy in the morning Bernard finished working here last night had the horse to go to the Factories
Nov. 21 Froze a little last night It has been very pleasant today Mr. Morton went away this morning
Nov. 22 Mother carried Aunt Ann home this PM Mr Chs Hager took dinner & supper here staid all night
Nov. 23 Mr Hager gave me three dollars this morning Father & Mr Hager went to the Center to buy cows
Nov. 24 Father & Mr Hager went to Dwight Gibbs' bought 5 cows
Nov. 25 Mr Hager started for home this morning with eleven cows Father went to Chester & Mother & Ella went to Mr Wright's
Nov. 26 Uncle Charles took dinner here Sarah & Addie were here to supper Mother went down to Mary Ann a little while in the PM Mary Ann came up here in the evening
Nov. 27 Father went to Monterey Mother is 38 years old today James Hearn done the chores for Father
Nov. 28 No meeting to the meadow Cloudy & cold
Nov. 29 Mother washed hung the clothes up garret
Nov. 30 Father butchered his beef today Rained hard all day
Wed. Dec. 1 Had 4 Frenchmen to get dinner for they are going to chop for Father Father went to the Factories today
Dec. 2 Ella is three years old today Father went to the Factories got a barrel of flour brought Delia home with him
Dec. 3 Very cold Delia finished the ironing the PM Mother went down to Mary Ann's a few minutes
Dec. 4 Father drove his hogs over to Mr Bishops It has been snowing this afternoon
Dec. 5 Warm & pleasant The Frenchman was here over Sunday
Dec. 6 Very cold snowed all day blowed hard Father carried the children to school Hattie went to Mr Cannon's
Dec. 7 Very cold & windy Frank did not go to school
Dec. 8 John commenced working for Father today cold & windy
Dec. 9 Thawed some very pleasant Father drove home his old sow Matta has been sick today
Dec. 10 Matta did not work today Father & Mother went to Chester took dinner with Mrs Harris Frank went to school Hattie stayed to Mr Cannon's 4 nights this week
Dec. 11 Uncle Charles called here this AM Albert Knox & Monooc & Mrs Fergus Smithes called here in the evening
Dec. 12 Warm & fogy rained a little Louisa Theyer died 31 years
Dec. 13 Warm but cloudy dried out clothes outdoors Father carried the children to school
Dec. 14 Father went after the Doct this PM left word for him to come tonight he did not come
Dec. 15 Cold & cloudy Father went to the meadow after Aunt Ellen this PM Dec. 16 Rained hard most all day Doct did not come until candlelight Father went after him in the morning
Dec. 17 Father went to Mr Bishops after his hog Matta cut his foot this forenoon Hattie staid to Mr Cannon's 4 nights this week
Dec. 18 Stormy snows & rains makes ice Doct Lucas came in the morning Felix & Peter were away tonight
Dec. 19 Cold & windy Father carried Aunt Ellen home Felix & Peter came home at twelve o'clock at night Nancy Wright five years old
Dec. 20 Aunt Dolly Ann & Uncle Lorenzo took dinner here Aunt Dolly staid here Doct Lucas has been here today Mr & Mrs Alva Bishop called here
Dec. 21 Mother & Delia went down to Albert Wright's after some things for Delila brought home the quilt frames
Dec. 22 It snowed last night & has rained all day Father has been to the meadow Peter & Felix have been thrashing today
Dec. 23 Hattie staid 8 nights to Mr C Father & Mother went to the Factories brought home a barrel of flour 8.50 good sleighing after you get below Mr Wrights's Doct has been here today
Dec. 24 Father carried Aunt Dolly home Eliza & Hattie went to Mr Wright's Uncle John, Aunt Mary, Artie & Grandmother came here this PM Eddie Robbins two years old
Dec. 25 Aunt Electa came here this PM Uncle John, Mary & Artie went home & Grandmother staid here Doct Lucas came tonight
Dec. 26 Warm & rainy John & Felix went to the Factories last night came home with another Frenchman
Dec. 27 Very pleasant in the morning in the PM it was foggy Mrs Thomas Smithes called here Father went to the meadow to get his harness fixed David Hern staid here tonight
Dec. 28 Father oiled his harnesses today very rainy Mother put on a comfortable today Cousin Josephine is eighteen years old today
Dec. 29 Got off the comfortable today finished it this eve Father went to the Factories this PM
Dec. 30 Mrs. Wright & Sarah took dinner & supper here Joseph Robbins was here to tea made a under bed today
Dec. 31 It has been a nice warm day Uncle John, Aunt Mary & Artie took dinner here they went to the meadow this PM Grandmother Fish went home with them Mother went over to Aunt Harriet's this PM Doct Lucas was here tonight Hattie staid one night to Mr Cannon's
From Stone Walls Magazine, Winter, 1984, Spring, 1985, Summer, 1985, Fall, 1985
In the year 1869 few households had running water or plumbing of any kind. No frozen pipes! But no bathrooms either and few kitchen sinks. Hot water came from a "reservoir" in the kitchen range, or a copper boiler filled and put across two lidded holes on the same stove, or from the ever present huge tea-kettle. All the water had to be carried into the house (and all the waste water carried out!) and was not lavishly used. Laundry was an all day undertaking.
Daily chores occupied all members of a family:
Milking and caring for the farm animals
Chopping wood, sawing wood, bringing in wood, stoking the fires,
Cleaning and filling kerosene lamps and lanterns,
Cooking three hearty meals and washing up afterward,
Churning and butter making,
Dressmaking and quiltmaking,
Sweeping and dusting.
Stoves had replaced or augmented fireplaces for some time past. Both were generally wood burning, and what stacks of wood were required for heating and cooking! All done with hand tools: saws, axes, and mauls.
Clothing was available "ready made" but was still often made at home. Sewing machines were available if not common.
Food was hearty and plentiful: milk, butter, cheese, fresh meat, salt pork, corned beef, cakes, pies, bread, garden vegetables in summer, and orchard fruits, wild berries, root crops in winter and pre- served fruits.
People traveled on foot, on horseback, or in horse-drawn vehicles. Farm "power" was provided by horses and oxen. There were no movies, no TV, no phonographs, no electricity. But there was no lack of books, magazines, and newspapers. Dickens, Thackeray, Melville, Longfellow, Irving, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Whitman, Mark Twain were household words. I wonder if anyone from the hilltowns went to Boston to hear Dickens read from his works. It is reported that five thousand people lined up to buy tickets at $2.00 a tickets, $25.00 from scalpers.
In 1869 Ulysses S. Grant was President. The nation was recovering from the trauma of the Civil War. It was a period of invention and change. On May 10, 1869 the driving of The Golden Spike in Utah completed the transcontinental railroad and opened up the country to homesteaders. Unprofitable New England farms were being abandoned for the promise of Western acres. Mills began to close and the population of the hill towns to dwindle. It is hard to tell how much or how little of this affected Mari Gibbs and her family. Diaries were records of daily happenings and seldom mentioned anything else, but that does not mean that the wider world went unfelt or unnoticed.
Diary of Mari C. Gibbs
Sent to me by
Mrs. Richard Gibbs.
Oct. 12, 1976
Rt. 7 104 Sly Run
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Mrs. Gibbs said she was the dau.-in-law of Donald Gibbs. He was son of Frank N. Gibbs and sister of Elsie (Gibbs) Hill, whose article on Frank Nelson Gibbs appeared in the Winter 1984 issue of "Stone Walls."
Mrs. Gibbs asked Donald why Mari was in bed in 1869. He said that she had back troubles from an injury caused by being pulled out of bed onto the floor by her sister, Hattie.
The diary is exceptional for a 10 yr. old girl. It gives a broad range of activities on Joseph Gibbs' farm, & people her parents saw and entertained. Many relatives and neighbors are mentioned.
It is fascinating to read and one can almost seem to be present even tho it was written 115 years ago.
Doris W. Hayden
Mari was 10 years old and in bed. She was the daughter of Joseph A. and Hannah (Fish) Gibbs and lived on the Chester Road, near the Chester line.
Fri. Jan. 1 It has been very cold today and is bitter cold tonight. Mother made a chicken pie for dinner, Bernard gave Hattie an Accordian
Jan. 2 Aunt Alida is 39 years old today
Jan. 4 Miss Smith came here tonight
Jan. 5 Father carried Miss Smith & Hattie to school today & brought them home
Jan. 6 Very rainy father carried Miss Smith & Hattie to school & brought them home
Jan. 7 Meeting this evening to Mr. Smithes. Delila came here. Mother & Miss Smith went to meeting
Jan. 8 Mother went to Grandfathers today
Jan. 9 Delila went home this evening
Jan.10 Aunt Ann is 81 years old today
Jan. 11 George Collester & family started for Georgia. Anna Collester is eight years old today
Jan. 12 Mrs. Blakely washed for Grandmother. Doctor Lucas was here
Jan. 14 Sarah Jane Johnson two years old today
Jan. 15 Sent a lock of hair to Mrs. Manley
Jan. 16 Mr & Mrs James Robbins spent the evening here. Doct Lucas brought aunt Ellen up here, got a letter from Mrs. Manley
Jan. 17 Grandmother went home with aunt Ellen. Father brought me a newspaper. it had some shears in it
Jan. 18 Miss Smith sent me an orange & sugar heart, Sent for medicine of Mrs Manley, Father & Mother have been to the meadow. brought me some aigs
Jan. 19 Uncle Robbins & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here, Got some medicine today
Jan. 20 Sarah & Addie were here, Pat left today
Jan. 25 Joseph Aldrich, Amanda & Mary spent the evening hours here
Jan. 28 Dedication at North Blandford
Tues. Feb. 2 Father & Mother went to the meadow
Feb. 7 Hattie is eight years old today
Feb. 9 Aunt Alida came here today Ambrose & Dolly Ann took tea here Feb. 10 Frank is six years old today
Feb. 11 Father & Aunt Alida went to see grandfather Fish
Feb. 12 Mr & Mrs Albert were here this evening, Nancy came with them Feb. 13 Aunt Alida went home today Aunt Harriet took tea here & Father carried her to the Factories
Feb. 14 Parks Knox took tea here. Have not been dressed today
Feb. 15 Mr Barker came to see me today Father brought him & carried him home. Took dinner here
Feb. 17 Mr. Barker has been here today Father brought Aunt Ann Collester up here this evening
Feb. 19 Ida Bartlett came here today with Mr. Barker, Mother put on her bed quilt Delila came here tonight
Feb. 20 Mrs Blakely quilted this afternoon
Feb. 21 Mr Barker has been here today Left me some medicine to last several days
Feb. 22 Finished the quilt
Feb. 23 Put on another bed quilt today
Feb. 24 Mother got her quilt off this evening
Feb. 25 Mrs. R. Burdick, Mrs. A. Burdick & Frank made a call here. Aunt Ann went home
Mon. Mar. 1 Father brought Delila from Mrs. Cannons
Mar. 2 Mr Barker has been here today Henry Bemis & Ona Barker took dinner here
Mar. 3 The old sow had 11 pigs today Delila went home
Mar. 4 Uncle John Gibbs died this morning
Mar. 5 Mr Barker has been here today
Mar. 9 Mr Barker has been here today
Mar. 10 Miss Smith school closed
Mar. 11 Father & Mother went after Hattie
Mar. 12 Grandmother came home today. J. Robbins & Maria were here to dinner. Flora Wright & Lydia Clark took tea here Ida went home
Mar. 13 Bernard went to Becket, Brought us some books
Mar. 15 Bernard went to Springfield Sold 8 lbs butter 45 cts lb to the Factories
Mar. 16 Bernard went to the Factories brought Delila here
Mar. 17 Father & Mother have been down to see Grandfather Fish, Father brought me this Diary today
Mar. 18 Mr Linus Shepard died. Aunt Lydia Gibbs came here today with Mr Barker, Father sold a calf today for 9.60 cents, Delila went home
Mar. 19 Sold the red cattle, 2572, Sold 6 lbs butter, 45c
Mar. 20 Father brought home his sleighs from the meadow
Mar. 21 Mr Herin brought me an orange today & a paper of lozenges
Mar. 22 Mr Herin gave me an orange today
Mar. 23 It snowed today
Mar. 24 It has been a very pleasant day
Mar. 25 Miss Polly Gibbs & Herbert Tuttle took tea here
Mar. 26 Father has been to the meadow Amanda has a little daughter born yesterday morn
Mar. 27 Mr Barker has been here today Mar. 28 It has been very pleasant today Father carried me outdoors
Mar. 29 Very rainy today, I am ten years old today
Mar. 30 Rainy all day, Mr Franklin bottomed some chairs for Mother
Mar. 31 Blustering weather with snow
Thurs. Apr. 1 Delila was here to dinner & supper Mr Barker came to see me Father carried Grandmother to the meadow Mr Hearn gave me two oranges
Apr. 2 Mr Eli Knox & David Hearn are setting the sugar place Doct Warren & Mr Barker were here to dinner
Apr. 3 Mr Parker staid here last night David Hearn had been here today Brought home some syrup The first we have had
Apr. 4 Cold and blustering sap does not run today made 24 lbs sugar in the evening
Apr. 5 Mr Asa Barns took dinner here made 20 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled sap all night
Apr. 6 Mr. Barker has been here today Mother sugared off 28 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled sap all night
Apr. 7 Enos Boise came to see Father made 64 lbs of sugar Father went to the meadow Bernard boiled sap all night Apr. 8 Fast day Mother has made 45 lbs sugar Father went to see Miss Miner she was hired out Bernard boiled all sap all night
Apr. 9 Made 98 lbs sugar Herbert Tuttle took tea here Father boiled sap all night
Apr. 10 John Lester staid here last night made 50 lbs sugar
Apr. 11 Sap ran well Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 12 George Harger called here this morning Mrs. Franklin took dinner here Made 30 lbs. sugar Father boiled sap all night
Apr. 13 Made 104 lbs sugar today Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 14 Made 63 lbs. of sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 15 Made 100 lbs of sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 16 Friday Mother went to the Factories in the afternoon Made 69 lbs sugar Bernard boiled all night
Apr. 17 Made 61 lbs sugar comenced on a new barrel of flour today Father boiled all night
Apr. 18 Bernard has boiled sap all day it does not run much
Apr. 19 Mrs. Franklin came here today made 50 lbs sugar
Apr. 20 Finished boiling sap today made 54 lbs sugar
Apr. 21 Mother finished up the sugar works made 17 gals. of molasses
Apr. 22 Uncle William took tea here. Father went to the Factories Aunt Mary 19 years old today
Apr. 23 Uncle John was here to supper Father brought Aunt Mary & Artie here this evening Mr Hinsdale came here to see Mrs Franklin
Apr. 24 Albert Edwards was here to dinner Aunt Mary went to the meadow & Artie Father went to the Factories Uncle Chs called here
Apr. 25 Tabby had one little kitten today Delila staid here last night Father & Hattie went to meeting Aunt Mary & Artie came home with them
Apr. 26 Mrs F. Smithes called at the door
Apr. 27 Albert Edwards paid for part of the sugar
Apr. 28 Harry finished sawing the wood
Apr. 29 Mr Parker staid here last night
Apr. 30 Mrs Nye & Mrs Charles Wait called here
Sat. May 1 Commenced snowing at noon rain & snowed all afternoon the ground white with snow
May 2 Stormy all day been looking for a yearling Mr. Hearn & boys Father & Bernard
May 3 The trees all covered with ice, has been snow squally today George Harger staid here all night Aunt Ellen is thirty four years old
May 4 Father carried Aunt Mary home very cold went after Mrs Franklin in the morning
May 5 Father went to the Factories this evening brought me some figs
May 6 Mrs Franklin cleaned the cheese room today
May 7 Mrs Franklin made soap & cleaned the back buttery
May 8 Father & Bernard went to Eli Cross's in the evening Mother sowed some flowers
May 9 Father, Hattie & Ella went to the meadow to meeting Mrs Franklin went home
May 10 Sarah & Addie were here to tea Mari Tuttle called here Herbert swapped horses with Father Grandmother Fish is 59 years old today
May 11 Mrs Gregory & Mrs Mitchel came here to make a visit Mother had gone to Grandfather's Father went after Mrs Franklin this morning Grandmother came home tonight
May 12 Jennie Gregory & Ida came here at noon to see me Father & Mother went to the Factories
May 13 Mother has sowed the flower seed Father & Harry have been working in the garden Mr Loomis called here
May 14 Father went to the Factories after oats Mrs Franklin went home
May 15 Harry Martin caught me 18 trout today
May 16 Showery did not any of us go to meeting
May 17 Hattie, Frank & Willie went to school out on the street today Miss Smith came home with the children
May 18 Miss Smith has the sick headache today does not keep school went home in the afternoon
May 19 School kept today the children came home in the rain Father was to the Factories
May 20 Uncle Lorenzo & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here Grandmother went home with them
May 21 Mrs. Philo came here Mother went home with her & got some vinegar
May 22 Father & Bernard went to the Factories in the evening
May 23 Mother, Hattie & Ella went to meeting at the round hill schoolhouse Mrs Bartholomew called here
May 24 Mr Leet bought a pig paid 9 dollars
May 25 Father went to the Factories Uncle Fry came here
May 26 Sold a pig to Mr. Oatley Father finished planting corn
May 27 Mother & Uncle Fry went to the meadow Aunt Ellen came home with them Uncle & Aunt Ellen gone to Becket this PM
May 28 Uncle Fry came from Becket Uncle John 28 years old
May 29 Father carried Uncle Fry to the Factories Hattie & Ella went to see Sarah & Addie Father swaped off his buckskin horse from some steers (for)
May 30 Rainy did not any of us go to meeting
May 31 Father has been mending fence with Philo Knox & Eli Knox today
Tues. June 1 Mrs. Franklin came back this noon Father sold a shoat today Father & Ella went to the meadow this afternoon
June 2 Father commenced working on the road today
June 3 Mother went to the Factories today carried Delila down
June 4 Edgar Robbins & wife with their little boy called here tonight
June 5 Bernard went to Becket Mr. Barker, Mrs. Barker & Lottie took tea here.
June 6 Father & Mother & Ella were to the meadow to meeting Hattie went to the schoolhouse to the five o'clock meeting Frank Chester Gibbs is eighteen years old today
June 7 Miss Smith came here tonight Father & Mother went to the meadow got Frank Gibbs wagon for me
June 8 Rainy this morning Father carried the teacher & children to school Mr Clark sent three head of cattle here today
June 9 Delila and Haley Clark took dinner here Mr Fry & schoolteacher were here to tea Mrs Franklin gone home for good tonight
June 10 Uncle Fry went away this morning
June11 Sarah, Addie, Ida & Jennie came here this noon
June 12 Mrs. Smithes helped Mother this forenoon Delila came here tonight Mrs. Barker & Mrs. Healy called here
June 13 Did not any of us go to meeting Mother carried Delia home & brought her back to stay a few days
June 14 Uncle Fry called here Uncle O F came to Becket Saturday Grandfather Fish 61 years old
June 15 Delia has the sick headache today Father is peeling bark
June 16 Sarah, Addie & Ida came here this noon Charles Knox sheared our sheep 25 Mary Ann & Laura called here
June 17 Finished my dress today Miss Rockwood called here Teacher at round hill
June 18 Uncle Lorenzo brought Grandmother home was here to dinner Father has been hoeing corn
June 19 Hattie went to school in the afternoon at the round hill school June 20 Hattie, Frank, Willie, Father & Grandmother went to the schoolhouse to meeting We have got a little colt
June 21 Mrs. Smithes helped Mother wash today Aunt Electa Miss Walker
and to (2) men were here to tea Father sold his big hog
June 22 Uncle Orlando came here this afternoon rainy Father went after the children Uncle Fry came home with him
June 23 Uncle Fry, Uncle Orlando & Grandmother went to the meadow Miss Wright took dinner here
June 24 Father went to the meadow in the evening
June 25 Father peeled bark Mr Haris has been here Father has hired Mr & Mrs Harris for haying
June 26 Father went off with his wool Hattie went to Grandmother's Mr & Mrs Wells called here
June 27 It has been very rainy today Mother made a strawberry short cake for supper Mr Charles Conwell was buried today
June 28 Miss Smith came here tonight cut Ella's dress Mr Clark staid here all night Father went up to Becket in the PM
June 29 Father took two cows to pasture of Silas Clark Miss Smith came here Uncle Warren called here
June 30 Father brought Aunt Ann Collester here in the evening
Thurs. July 1 Mother went aberrying with Mrs Smithes had a short cake Grandmother came home in the P M Mary Amanda & Joseph were here to tea
July 2 Mother went a berrying Delila came up here in the evening
July 3 Aunt Anne Collester and Mother and Ella went down to Grandmother Fish's
July 4 Mother went to meeting to the schoolhouse Father, Hattie & Grand- mother went to meeting to Chester Doct Holland came to see me in the evening
July 5 Mother went a strawberrying Mr Warren Knox called here
July 6 Father commenced haying today Parks Knox commenced work here it has been a good hay day Commenced on a new barrel of flour
July 7 Got in five loads of hay it has been a good hay day Father's old mare has gone to Becket on trial
July 8 Parks & Bernard gone to Circus at Huntington It has been a good hay day a shower at night Father has hay out
July 9 Factories - Father went in the forenoon it has been a very rainy day Bernard went off in the afternoon
July 10 Hay does not dry very fast Father got in 4 loads of hay two tin pedlers are going to stay here over Sunday
July 11 Grandmother, Father, Willie & Ella went to meeting this P M Have had quite a shower this P M
July 12 Got in two loads of hay today
July 13 7 loads of hay today not very large ones Mr & Mrs Harris came here tonight
July 14 Old mare is sold No hay today Aunt Lidia & Aunt Ellen came up here staid to tea Aunt Ann went home in the morning Grandmother eat breakfast in bed
July 15 Rainy in the morning, showery in the afternoon Mother went over to Aunt Alida's did not get up any hay
Grandmother very feeble took her breakfast in her room
July 16 Father & Grandmother went to Westfield Parks & Harris went fishing
Bernard went to the meadow hard shower in the PM did not get in any hay
July 17 Did not mow any today got in 3 loads of hay in the P M Parks & Bert helped & then went to hoeing
July 18 Cloudy in the a m & cold meeting at the schoolhouse Frank & Hattie went
July 19 Good hay day got in 4 loads Adella Smith came home with Hattie staid all night Mother milked all of the cows
July 20 Good day got in 7 loads Mr Loomis called at the door
July 21 Rain in the morning Parks & Harris went to the factories came home at noon got in 1 load of hay in the PM & then had a shower
July 22 Cold & windy got in 3 loads of hay mowed in the afternoon Mrs. Henry Burdick called here
July 23 Got in 8 loads of hay sun looks smokey
July 24 It has not been a very good hay day mowed light grass got in 4 loads
July 25 Very warm & pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank & Ella went to the meadow to meeting
July 26 Men worked in the forenoon & all of the men went off in the P M Father & Mother went to Chester Mother got a new calico dress
July 27 Mrs Field died this morn ing Father, Parks & Bernard mowed in the forenoon very showery all day did not work much in the PM Katie Lee took tea here Mr H took his horse home
July 28 Good hay day got in 4 loads left two out
July 29 Thunder shower in the morning Parks & Harris did not work had a shower just at night
July 30 Cold & windy hayed all day got in 4 loads Mother finished her dress
July 31 Good hay day got in 5 loads of hay Bernard went up to Becket on the 7 o'clock train
Sun. Aug. 1 Very pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank, Willie & Ella went to meet-
ing to the meadow
Aug. 2 Good hay day got in 4 loads of hay
Aug. 3 Cloudy in the forenoon pleas- ant in the afternoon got in two loads of hay mowed the spring hole finished on the west side
Aug. 4 Good hay day got in 8 loads of hay Delila called here in the P M Aug. 5 Rainy in the morning Parks & Harris did not work Bernard mowed in the afternoon
Aug. 6 Got in 2 loads of hay today Parks did not come until noon
Aug. 7 Finished the Anderson mowing today got in 5 loads been a good day
Aug. 8 Warm & pleasant Father, Hattie, Frank & Ella went to meeting
Aug. 9 Good hay day got in 3 loads
Father & Mother went to the Factories for 2 barrels of flour one $7.20 & $9.00 Aggie came here
Aug. 10 Very warm got in 4 loads of hay Dolly Ann & Maria called here Aunt Lydia Parks is 90 years old today
Aug. 11 Warm got in 3 loads of hay Father went to the Factories after Aunt Lucy Ann in the evening
Aug. 12 Got in 3 loads of hay Parks worked 221⁄2 days Mr & Mrs Harris went home tonight
Aug. 13 No hay today Father carried Aunt Lucy Ann to the meadow & went to Huntington after Grandmother Ellen Osborn came here tonight Cousin Maria 18 years old
Aug. 14 Father & Bernard got in 1 load of hay today and mowed the road that finishes up haying for this year
Aug. 15 Father, Ellen & Ella have gone to meeting Grandmother & Aunt Lucy came home with them
Aug. 16 Aunt Lucy has been washing for Mother today Father carried her to Chester in the P M
Grandmother Gibbs is 74 years old today
Aug. 17 Uncle Lorenzo & Joseph & Ambrose & Frank Knox took tea here it has been stormy
Aug. 18 Father went to Munson got a girl 13 years old
Aug. 19 Father & Mother went to concert in the evening
Aug. 20 Father & Mother went down to Grandmother Fish's Father got Delila to come here & stay & Mrs Needham & Aunt Ann staid here all night
Aug. 21 Very warm showery in the PM Father cut his grass seed today
Aug. 22 Father, Mother, Frank & Ella went to the meadow to meeting today
Aug. 23 Pleasant Delila helped Mother today went home tonight
Aug. 24 Father got in 3 loads of oats Mother & the girls went a blackberrying Emma Wait died
Aug. 25 Father & the girls went blackberrying I did not have my clothes on today
Aug. 26 Father, Grandmother & Hattie went to the funeral
Aug. 27 Sarah & Addie came here in the afternoon Father went down to Grandpa Fish's got in 1 load of oats
Aug. 28 Mrs Lanson Knox, Mrs Eli Knox & her children visited here this PM Father got in 11 loads of oats today We have got 9 little pigs
Aug. 29 Father, Mother & Ella went down to Grandpa Fish's to carry some medicine to him
Aug. 30 The children commenced going to school at round hill
Aug. 31 Mr Chapin took tea here Ella Burdick 9 years old today
Wed. Sept. 1 Delila came here tonight Mother set her milk over Mrs Munson has another daughter
Sept. 2 Mrs Feargus Smithes & Mrs Dunkersley took tea here Delila put on
her quilt
Sept. 3 Father and Eliza went a berrying Mr Murphy took dinner here
Sept. 4 Mrs Mitchel & Nettie come here in the A M Mrs Philo came & quilted in the P M
Sept. 5 Father, Grandmother, Hattie, Willie & Ella went to meeting
Sept. 6 Father went after Uncle William to fix up the doors Ambrose was here took Grandmother home with him
Sept. 7 Mrs Cannon, Ann Harriet, Mrs Robins, Mrs Write & Mary Ann were here to quilting
Sept. 8 Uncle William fixed the door in my room Mother quilted
Sept. 9 Delila rode over to James Mitchel's to a quilting Mother & Uncle William went down to see Grandfather Fish
Sept. 10 Father carried Uncle William home Bernard carried a load of bark to the Factories Delila came back this P M
Sept.11 Doct Spring was here today to see me Father carried him to the meadow he put a jacket on Frankie Aunt Harriet came over to help Delila quilt
Sept. 12 Father & the children went to the meadow to meeting Mother, Delila, Eliza & Hattie went to the 5 o'clock meeting at the round hill school house
Sept. 13 Mother quilted in the P M Mr Silas Clark called here had Father's horse to go to Becket Artie one year old
Sept. 14 Finished Delila's bed quilt It has been very warm and pleasant Sept. 15 Mrs Gregory, Mrs Mitchell & Nettie spent the P M here Jennie & Ida came home with the children the teacher took tea here Osella & S. Cannon called
Sept. 16 Mother went to the meadow got me some cloth for my bed quilt
Sept. 17 Father & Bernard went to Middlefield Cattle Show Grandfather Fish died this evening quarter before eleven
Sept. 18 Father went to the Factories after Doct Spring he put a jacket on me Mari Tuttle & Ella Lact? called here Father brought Delila here in the evening
Sept. 19 Father & Ella went to meeting brought Aunt Ann C home with them Mother, Hattie & Ella went down to Grandmother Fish's in the evening
Sept. 20 Grandfather Fish was buried today Philo Knox carried Father & the boys down & brought Mother & the children home Father went to Westhampton carried Grandmother Delila went home
Sept. 21 Rainy Father got home from Westhampton half past eight in the evening Worked on Mari's bed quilt
Sept. 22 Rainy Sewed on Mari's bed quilt
Sept. 23 Mother & Aunt Ann finished washing today & churned two hours & a half
Father & Mother went to Chester in the evening
Sept. 24 Mother & Ella went down to Mr Albert Wright's to quilt
Sept. 25 Aunt Ann Collester is 73 years old today Mother went down to Mr Wright's to quilt Almaron Edward's father died today
Sept. 26. It has been very rainy today did not any of us go to meeting Sept. 27 Mother & Ann washed in the AM Put on the bed quilt in the PM Sept. 28 Father & Bernard went to Cattle Show Father took a cheese and some cranberries
Sept. 29 Delila staid here all night Father, Delila, Frank & Willie went to cattle show
Sept. 30 Mother got off the quilt Father went to the Factories
Fri. Oct. 1 John Lester staid here last night Father went down to Grandmother Fish's James Mitchel & Bernard dug potatoes Delila 61 years old today
Oct. 2 Grandmother came home today Aunt Dolly Ann & Maria took dinner here Father carried Aunt Ann home in the evening
Oct. 3 Just one year ago today since Aunt Sarah died It has rained hard all day
Oct. 4 Rained hard all day Mother washed did not put out her clothes
Oct. 5 Great damage done to the roads & to the railroad Grandmother Fish came here in the evening Uncle Charles came with her & took Father's horse back with him
Oct. 6 Father finished the cellar ditch this forenoon Grandmother Fish went back home in the PM
Oct. 7 Uncle Charles came back with the horse this evening brought me some medicine
Oct. 8 Mr Silas Clark took dinner here Mrs Feargus Smithes & Mrs Donkersley called here Father went to the Factories in the evening
Oct. 9 Mother & myself went down to Mary Ann's Mother drew me down
Oct. 10 Father, Mother & Ella went to meeting Aunt Ann came home with them it rained hard before they got home rained all night
Oct. 11 Mother washed and coloured my bed quilt lining
Oct. 12 Put on my bed quilt this PM Teacher Rockwood came here tonight Oct. 13 Rained hard most all day Bernard fixed the pump Teacher & the children came home in the rain quilted on my bed quilt
Oct. 14 Did not quilt any today
Oct. 15 Mrs Smithes, Aunt Electa, Mrs Lanson Knox, Mrs Gregory & Mrs Elliot were here to quilting Uncle John, Aunt Mary & Artie spent the night here
Oct. 16 Mrs Albert Wright, Delila & Nancy were here finished my quilt Uncle John & Aunt Mary went home in the PM
Oct. 17 Bernard took the horse & has gone home No meeting to the meadow today very plesant wind blows some
Oct. 18 Mother & Aunt Ann washed today Mr Baldin, Philo & Smithes dug potatoes Mr Streeter staid here all night
Oct. 19 Very cold & windy snowed enough to track a fox in the PM Father went to Russell
Oct. 20 Mrs Thomas Smithes called here Mother went down to Philo's & got some vinegar
Oct. 21 Father sold 50 bushels of potatoes Mother went down to the meadow
Oct. 22 Father carried the teacher to the Factories this evening
Oct. 23 Father went to the Factories after Doct Spring carried him to the meadow slept in my jacket last night very rainy
Oct. 24 Father, Eliza, Hattie & Ella went to meeting in the meadow
Oct. 25 Father went to Springfield carried butter, eggs & chickens got 25¢ per pound for chickens 48¢ for butter 38¢ per doz for eggs
Oct. 26 Father staid to Grandmother Fishes last night got home at noon Meeting at the school house
Oct. 27 Father went to the Factories got the gray mare shod Commenced on a new barrel of flour
Oct. 28 Father went off with his cheese today got 17¢ per pound Festival at the meadow
Oct. 29 Killed a lamb today Festival to the meadow Mr Charles Perkins took dinner here
Oct. 30 Sold 50 bush. of potatoes Mr Clark took his cattle 6 men took dinner here Father had gone to Mr Fisk's
Oct. 31 Mother & Aunt Ann went down to the meadow Mr Chapin preached his farewell sermon Bernard went home
Mon. Nov. 1 Charles Smith died about six o'clock this evening
Nov. 2 Father went to Town meeting & Mother to the meadow Warm & pleasant Mother, Eliza & Hattie went to meeting Bernard came home
Nov. 3 Father & Mother went to Mr Smith funeral very pleasant Uncle Rob- bins & Aunt Dolly Ann took dinner here
Nov. 4 Mother called at Mr Lanson Knox's & visited to Edgar Robbins Willie is 5 years old today
Nov. 5 Mrs. Bartholomew & Mrs Cannon called here Mr Morton is back here thrashing
Nov. 6 Aunt Polly Gibbs & Herbert Tuttle took tea here Mrs Amasa Stewart & her little girl called here
Nov. 7 Cold, cloudy & windy today
Nov. 8 Very cold & windy Washed but did not put out the clothes took the plug out of the pump
Nov. 9 Very cold & windy
Nov. 10 Cold & windy Mother went to the Factories in the evening
Nov. 11 Aunt Ann & Mother went to see Aunt Alida Aunt Lydia Gibbs & Frank came here this PM
Nov. 12 Mrs Abel Peckham & her Mother Peckham & Carrie spent the PM here
Nov. 13 Father carried Aunt Lydia & Frank to the Factories in the PM
Nov. 14 Clarence Bartlett is 14 years old today It is snowing hard today Nov. 15 Very cold & blustering Mr Hearn has bought two beef creatures of Father & is butchering here today Teacher came here tonight
Nov. 16 Cold & windy Aunt Ann worked on the lounge Eliza & Hattie went to the evening meeting
Nov. 17 Very rainy & cold makes ice school closed at round hill
Nov. 18 Willie Fish one year old Thanksgiving day invited Grandmother Fish but she did not come very windy
Nov. 19 Aunt Ann cleaned Grandmother's room today very pleasant &
Nov. 20 Rainy in the morning Bernard finished working here last night had the horse to go to the Factories
Nov. 21 Froze a little last night It has been very pleasant today Mr. Morton went away this morning
Nov. 22 Mother carried Aunt Ann home this PM Mr Chs Hager took dinner & supper here staid all night
Nov. 23 Mr Hager gave me three dollars this morning Father & Mr Hager went to the Center to buy cows
Nov. 24 Father & Mr Hager went to Dwight Gibbs' bought 5 cows
Nov. 25 Mr Hager started for home this morning with eleven cows Father went to Chester & Mother & Ella went to Mr Wright's
Nov. 26 Uncle Charles took dinner here Sarah & Addie were here to supper Mother went down to Mary Ann a little while in the PM Mary Ann came up here in the evening
Nov. 27 Father went to Monterey Mother is 38 years old today James Hearn done the chores for Father
Nov. 28 No meeting to the meadow Cloudy & cold
Nov. 29 Mother washed hung the clothes up garret
Nov. 30 Father butchered his beef today Rained hard all day
Wed. Dec. 1 Had 4 Frenchmen to get dinner for they are going to chop for Father Father went to the Factories today
Dec. 2 Ella is three years old today Father went to the Factories got a barrel of flour brought Delia home with him
Dec. 3 Very cold Delia finished the ironing the PM Mother went down to Mary Ann's a few minutes
Dec. 4 Father drove his hogs over to Mr Bishops It has been snowing this afternoon
Dec. 5 Warm & pleasant The Frenchman was here over Sunday
Dec. 6 Very cold snowed all day blowed hard Father carried the children to school Hattie went to Mr Cannon's
Dec. 7 Very cold & windy Frank did not go to school
Dec. 8 John commenced working for Father today cold & windy
Dec. 9 Thawed some very pleasant Father drove home his old sow Matta has been sick today
Dec. 10 Matta did not work today Father & Mother went to Chester took dinner with Mrs Harris Frank went to school Hattie stayed to Mr Cannon's 4 nights this week
Dec. 11 Uncle Charles called here this AM Albert Knox & Monooc & Mrs Fergus Smithes called here in the evening
Dec. 12 Warm & fogy rained a little Louisa Theyer died 31 years
Dec. 13 Warm but cloudy dried out clothes outdoors Father carried the children to school
Dec. 14 Father went after the Doct this PM left word for him to come tonight he did not come
Dec. 15 Cold & cloudy Father went to the meadow after Aunt Ellen this PM Dec. 16 Rained hard most all day Doct did not come until candlelight Father went after him in the morning
Dec. 17 Father went to Mr Bishops after his hog Matta cut his foot this forenoon Hattie staid to Mr Cannon's 4 nights this week
Dec. 18 Stormy snows & rains makes ice Doct Lucas came in the morning Felix & Peter were away tonight
Dec. 19 Cold & windy Father carried Aunt Ellen home Felix & Peter came home at twelve o'clock at night Nancy Wright five years old
Dec. 20 Aunt Dolly Ann & Uncle Lorenzo took dinner here Aunt Dolly staid here Doct Lucas has been here today Mr & Mrs Alva Bishop called here
Dec. 21 Mother & Delia went down to Albert Wright's after some things for Delila brought home the quilt frames
Dec. 22 It snowed last night & has rained all day Father has been to the meadow Peter & Felix have been thrashing today
Dec. 23 Hattie staid 8 nights to Mr C Father & Mother went to the Factories brought home a barrel of flour 8.50 good sleighing after you get below Mr Wrights's Doct has been here today
Dec. 24 Father carried Aunt Dolly home Eliza & Hattie went to Mr Wright's Uncle John, Aunt Mary, Artie & Grandmother came here this PM Eddie Robbins two years old
Dec. 25 Aunt Electa came here this PM Uncle John, Mary & Artie went home & Grandmother staid here Doct Lucas came tonight
Dec. 26 Warm & rainy John & Felix went to the Factories last night came home with another Frenchman
Dec. 27 Very pleasant in the morning in the PM it was foggy Mrs Thomas Smithes called here Father went to the meadow to get his harness fixed David Hern staid here tonight
Dec. 28 Father oiled his harnesses today very rainy Mother put on a comfortable today Cousin Josephine is eighteen years old today
Dec. 29 Got off the comfortable today finished it this eve Father went to the Factories this PM
Dec. 30 Mrs. Wright & Sarah took dinner & supper here Joseph Robbins was here to tea made a under bed today
Dec. 31 It has been a nice warm day Uncle John, Aunt Mary & Artie took dinner here they went to the meadow this PM Grandmother Fish went home with them Mother went over to Aunt Harriet's this PM Doct Lucas was here tonight Hattie staid one night to Mr Cannon's
From Stone Walls Magazine, Winter, 1984, Spring, 1985, Summer, 1985, Fall, 1985